
Showing posts from May, 2020

my madhuban

My "मधुबन" the sweet garden , where everything grows with abandon.  No worry of destruction, only  beauty, colours and creation.  The entry is reserved only for those, who leave behind all doubts and tension, Fear has no place in this space so be free, to you, my madhuban is offering a kind seclusion.  All those who spread loving kindness, madhuban is cultivated within you with compassion.  To the others, it's not so hard to find your own, it's just a matter of having true intention. Madhuban is our sweet safe place, where we are never afraid of rejection.  Come let's celebrate and cultivate it, this sweet, soothing garden, my madhuban

everything is within

मोको कहाँ ढूँढे रे बन्दे मैं तो तेरे पास में, ना मैं मंदिर ना मैं मस्जिद ना काबे कैलाश में – Kabirdas Where do you look for me dear, Know that I am somewhere near. I neither reside in mosque nor in a temple, Be it Mecca or Kashi,   nowhere do I settl e- translated from above All systems are interconnected with each other, while being complete at individual state, each of the systems influence and get influenced by other systems. This is very true for every natural systems at least, including human, animal, plants or cosmic. The belief is that each of us is a microcosm of the supreme power, the Brahma, within us and all of us are carriers of this power, while we exist in the the Brahmanic consciousness Just as children carry the genetic material from the parents within them, and remain connected to their parents and siblings through that thread, we remain connected at our core level with the Universal consciousness. Whatever action we take in our space, have an impact a...

the garden (pro-Creation)

A beautiful garden awaits, it's retinue of guests For who the flowers have prepared, a nectar rich fantastic spread The leaves worked hard to marry sun and earth,  built the plants strong enough to give birth To the brightest flowers possible, to ensure our guests have best selection available So that our wide variety of visitors feel enraptured, by the beauty of nature so simply captured In this capsule of time and space , while they take our seeds to create another such place And thus my dears carry on the cycles of nature, building on each other's strengths to provide such treasure


आज शाम फिर कुछ घबराहट सी छाई है लगता है दबे पाँव फिर आई तन्हाई है  यूँ तो दुनिया के हर कोने में हैं अपने दोस्त  पर इस अकेलेपन में  एक अनोखी सी गहराई है  जब चाहो किसी से बात करना, तो सब मसरूफ होते हैं  पास होकर भी कुछ लोग कितने दूर होते हैं  दिल चाहे उनसे ही बातें करें, जो हमें खुशी दें, मुहब्बत दें  पर कौन मिलेगा ऐसा हर समय, लोग अपनी  ही तकलीफ़ों में मशगूल होते हैं अरे! खुशी और मुहब्बत औरों में ढूँढते हैं, कैसी नासमझी है? अपने घर की आग गैरों पर पानी डालने से क्या कभी बुझी है? जो नहीं कर पाओ खुद से प्यार और आप अपनी हौसलाअफजाई  तो उनको अपने बाहर ढूँढना मेरे दोस्त, ये कैसी बात बेतुकी है खु़द में ही है ख़ुदा, समझने वाली बात इतनी ही है  जिम्मेदारी खिदमत की सबसे पहले अपनी ओर की ही ठनी है बाँटों मुहब्बत दुनिया भर में, पर पहले करो मज़बूत खु़द को  कमज़ोर बुनियादों  पर क्या कभी देखी कोई इमारत तनी है?  आप करो खुद ही से दोस्ती, समझो पहले अपने आप को ही दुनिया के सहारे रहोगे तो ढूँढते रहोगे औरों में  ही अपनी खुशी  करो यकी़न आई...

Being present / fickle mind

I wonder at the fickleness of our minds so difficult to rest on any one thing, it gets dazzled by things of different kinds chasing each thought, enamored by all the bling No wonder we feel so tired all the time there is a continuous cacophony of distractions each racing to win our attention every time while we grapple with increased choice of attractions We are surrounded by distractions all day something is always ready to grab our attention a sound, a vision, some connection every which way don't leave any room for the "Self", or an act of introspection Resting the mind, this process is never complete even at rest there is too much noise how does one ever feel fully rested or replete challenging as it is in the middle of so much chaotic choice Never we are fully present in the present tense always the body and mind are at a distance past or future - mind struggles to choose between either tents forgetting to give the "NOW" a decent, passi...

take me home

Under the shade of these vines, looking at my hands and their lines;  wondering how time goes by, learning, doing and just getting by.  How much these hand do, what all are the trees witness to,  cooking, cleaning, studying and thinking, all my dear ones away, I am  by myself - sinking,  each day in this lockdown, and the vines frown upon,  on the glorious days I don't see, as my hands grope for the "take me home" key...

The Moon

Full moon night, what a sight.  Fills me with glorious wonder, hearing a call from dreams of yonder.  May you forever guide my way, making my deepest heart have it's say.  oh you have been a friend, from childhood till the end.  So many mysteries hidden in you, even now I remain without a clue.  Waxing and waning you epitomize change, inspiring us to go beyond our own limited range.  As long as I see you in the sky, I keep the courage to try, try and try!!