Rainbow is my very own

The Rainbow Within I love rainbows, after the whole earth is washed down by rain and is smelling beautifully rich and fertile, Out comes the sun and the light peeps out in its colorful splendor stretched across mile after mile! From the ever-tenacious water droplet, hanging onto its portion of air, not wanting to let go… It is my very own rainbow, no one else gets to see it quite like me, did you know that? Because in interpreting this wondrous gift of nature, our eyes need to play their own part. That is why I believe that each rainbow in its perception: is both uniquely me and uniquely you! How does looking at the rainbow bring forth a smile, even if it is slight? It portends a sense of hope that even after each stormy night, there will again be light; And the path ahead shall start appearing clear for you to know what to do. I t is not the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow which is a real treasure! It is but the journey of effort tha...