Journey that Matters

The countdown to our death,
Starts on the very day we are born.
As we draw our first breath
The fabric of our lives starts getting torn

So many unexpected cuts and nicks,
How shall we save it, is the main question
Life is a bag of challenges and neat tricks
We must clear each level with or without learning any lesson

Some of us realize this early and some a little late
That on its journey, we are just a carrier for the soul
Each time its born, it is born with a clean slate
We don't know it but the soul has but one goal

The soul requires us to remain focused on performing action
The actions that will help it reach its ultimate destination
Not wondering about the results while we act, not even a tiny fraction
But surrendering them to the Divine, actions become our path to salvation

When we surrender our action to the Supreme Power
That is when we truly unite with the Universal Mandate
And so when we think of any wish, for anything, at any hour
The whole Universe comes together to fulfill it as if it is fate

We also see the need for surrender offered as advise
Pursue excellence my dear, you shall attract success automatically
Surrendering to the idea of excellence is thus being very wise
So does surrendering to the Divine, brings blessings your way, almost as if magically

One may think it to be a very difficult thing
Believing that some divine being can make things happen for us
But it will be Us only who will act, divinely guided to do the right thing
When we keep absolute faith and as we surrender to the divine forces

For us humans, the path of action - "Karma" is the only way
Blessed are we to have the ability to choose the right kind of deeds
By dedicating our deeds to the divine, we shall spend each day
Moving towards "Moksha"- freedom from cycle of rebirth, leaving behind worldly needs

Cede control of "HOW" something will come together
Put out your intention and take action
Do not let any set backs in the process dampen your ardor
Only those are tested who have the Divine attention

Our actions, good or bad, we shall be held responsible for both
This life may get over but the soul shall carry forward on its journey
When death arrives, it shall discard the current garment and don on a new cloth
And so shall begin another countdown, a new quest to release itself from the reincarnation tyranny


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