
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Wheel of Time

Relentless, incessant, ever moving Changing, repetitive, hating and loving Never tiring, uncontrolled and independent Ever inspiring us to be in the present All seeing and all knowing - a divine deputy Punishing or rewarding us is its duty It does so through manipulating one's own mind Good or bad results, one's action do determine Wheel of time only asks us to do what is our duty And surrender all control and desire to the Divine Beauty

Don't Wait, Say it now!

  This world is a very strange place We are born alone, and we die alone. But we remain throughout our life in a race, To find good companions, if not many, at least one!   But while we are with those relations – Chosen by us or afforded through divine interventions. We disregard the temporariness of situations, And miss expressing our emotions or intentions.   I urge you to say your piece, offer that embrace! Never leave on an angry note any conversation. Every time is the right time and any place is the right place – To make things better and retreat from an altercation.   Even if you want to say farewell to a few, Fare them well with all your heart! Short or long duration, they afforded a view – In shaping of you, they too did their part!   Frankly, life is unpredictable. No one knows what is next! How many moments we have with our loved ones! Celebrate each moment – emote, call, just send a text! Make them feel ...

हिन्दी दिवस पर हिन्दी की प्रार्थना

क्या मात्र आज ही का दिवस है मेरे लिए, अन्य दिनों में क्या कोई स्थान नहीं है मेरा? समस्त वार्तालाप में करते हो उपयोग मिश्रित भाषा,  अभ्यास करो कि थोड़ा समय हो पूर्णतः मेरा!  मुझे नहीं आपत्ति अपनी बहनों के साथ खेलने में -  परन्तु एक अनूठा नाता है, जो है मात्र तेरा - मेरा।  दिवस मनाना तो सरल है - लेख, पुस्तकें, वचन अनन्त!  किन्तु क्या मनन करते हो कि "कितना समय बीता इन पर मेरा?"  इतिहास तो था स्वर्णिम किन्तु वर्तमान में है किंचित भय,  और भविष्य के विचार से घबरा जाता है अन्तर्मन मेरा!  हे मेरे प्रिय देशवासियों! द्वितीय नहीं प्रथम स्थान दो मुझे!  अधिक न सही, थोड़ा सा सम्मान दो मुझे!  प्रतिदिन व्यतीत करो कुछ क्षण मेरे साथ,  एक दिवस का नहीं अपितु ह्दय में रहूँ तुम्हारे, ये वरदान दो मुझे! 


Am I being crazy when I see figures forming in the clouds Am I being crazy when I see possibility through doubts Am I being crazy when I say it will all work out finally Am I being crazy when I think every mistake is my ally Am I being crazy when I choose to see hope in despair Am I being crazy when I believe bad and good comes in pair Am I being crazy when I trust others so easily Am I being crazy to think I can pass through life breezily Am I being crazy to believe that dreams have power Am I being crazy to wonder if each bud will become a flower Am I being crazy to have the faith in the powers up above Am I being crazy to not always think logically but feel through love Am I being crazy to hold my faith steady and strong  Am I being crazy to feel that nothing could go wrong Those who say I am crazy are bitten by the reality bug My "state of eternal hopefulness", they prefer to sweep under the rug Oh God! let me be crazy and enjoy my optimistic euphoria -  At le...

for my nana's 70th birthday

On your 70th birthday Sending you butterflies in a jar Our shining light with a golden heart- To my nana who is now a star Wishing that light finds you  wherever you are As you brought a smile to us:  Whether near or far