Romantic Love: from the eyes of "first time in love"

The sharing of two souls,
The mating of two minds,
Is the truth about Love.

Never before felt this pain,
Of giving something to a person selflessly.
But again the pain is Love.

If I wouldn't have surrendered
I wouldn't have felt this victory
Then this victorious surrender is Love.

The joy of sharing "the special",
The pleasure of sharing "the common"
This happiness is nothing but Love.

Let the thinking be divided
Let the personalities be different
That difference is what is Love.

The satisfaction of being together
The surety of each other's commitment
This promise is Love.

The occasional tiffs between us
The sweetness of making up
The surprise is Love.

The electrifying look of promise
The anticipation of reaction in fulfilling that promise
The promise is Love.

The all consuming need for one another
The feel of one another's emotions
This overpowering need is Love.

The desire to prove to one another
The drive to make each other happy
This commitment is Love.

The hope with which we start life together
The looking ahead to everyday spent together
Togetherness is Love.


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