Celebrate Life

Celebrate Life Each Moment  

Picture Courtesy: Siddhartha Chaturvedi

When intense black and brilliant white collide…

…Colors are born

When stern silence is broken by sweet sound…

…Music is born

When a sliver of sunshine peeps out from murky clouds... 

...Light is born

When bountiful rain hits the parched earth…

…Life is born. 

When brilliant light dispels the dismal darkness…

…Hope is born

When empowering hope clears out the debilitating doubt…

…Courage is born

When electrifying energy hits at restful rest…

…Motion is born

When magical motion activates the somber stillness…

…Life is born

When the crying of a baby brings out the tears in the parents’ eyes...

...Joy is born

When stubborn effort overcomes obstinate obstacles…

…Achievement is born

When simplicity presents itself in a new form…

…Amazement is born

When pure positivity turns down the power of nefarious negativity…

…Life is born


  1. Beautiful Kirti. Keep glorifying your writing skills.


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