Happy New Year!

As we approach this annual event, this calendar switch from past to future via present!

One may wonder what's so different about this transition! What all surprises will be brought upon by year 2021?

 Some promises were extracted from us last year - They were difficult to deliver upon and had cost us dear!

Oh! but what stickiness those lessons had, so difficult to forget - the good, the ugly and the bad!

The promise of having learnt out lessons well, the promise of expanding beyond our limited shell!

The promise of keeping our families and health foremost, the promise of being content with what we have got!

The promise of finding joy in everyday things, The promise of appreciating whatever life brings!

Even though it may call upon a huge reserve of strength, to live these promises but we must do so with our every breath!

And go forth with renewed courage and hope, March into next year with faith and confidence to cope - 

With whatever adventures the new year has to offer, having the promise of plenty more resilience in mankind's coffer!

Saying goodbye to 2020 with some smiles and some tears, and welcoming 2021 with the determination to conquer all our fears!

May there be laughter, love and light near you and your dears, and in all things good, may this year surpass all the past years!!



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