Me and You - Thank You (1997)

I wrote this poem when I was all of 16 years old and my muse was a very handsome, young man - will unfold the mystery of this man sometime later :)

Proof-reading credits: Mrs. Shubhra Chaturvedi and Mrs. Vandana Ghosh

The words you said to me were new, 
They stole my heart and gave it you.
Now it is yours to do whatever you please to do, 
And all I want to say is that I Love You

By understanding, by reciprocating my love for you,
you gave me everything I ever wanted from you.
The two little common words- Thank You,
Are not adequate enough to express what I feel for you.

But one day will come when I will show you, that as you love me, so I love you too.

After twenty years from now, we may deny this feeling.
But in our hearts there will still be a yearning.
For the love you felt for me - 
And for the love I felt for you.

When we will be miles apart,
and the pain of loving you will not depart;
The words we said will come to our rescue.
And we shall have the memory of our love too.

First love never fades away,
Because it had made our hearts sway.
With the love you felt for me - 
And the love I felt for you.

Someday I shall be filled with wonder!
That in the years that put us asunder,
the words you said, were they true?
The feelings they awakened in me were so new.

Those feelings will then bring me out of my blues.
Therefore I can only say "Thank You"


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