
Showing posts from 2020

Happy birthday Meghna

What shall I write for your birthday my friend?  Words fail me as I try to comprehend - How to choose among so many things I wish to scribe Because the concept of "you" is so hard to describe  Shall I write about what you mean to me,  It's hard to express but for all to easily see!  Soul mate, partner, sibling, guide or friend  Runs the continuum of our connection till the end.  Or I write of our meeting being a beautiful coincidence, When angels of serendipity and destiny did a dance  'cause they knew how we would complement each other  With an instant understanding of how to be happy together  Maybe it's best if I stick to writing about you Loving, smart, successful, loyal, gorgeous, You Blessed with a few shortcomings just to keep you human You deserve every happiness. And sorrows - none! Wishing that this year you get all your happy wishes,  Contentment and happiness, hugs and kisses!  The company of all the people whom you love...

for my mother (in law)

विवाहोपरान्त जब भी कोई नई बहू घर आती है, थोड़ा हर्षित होती है, थोड़ा सा घबराती है। कितनी ही बातें कही जाती हैं कि वो कैसे सब कुछ खूब निभाती है - पर सास की कहानी एक कोने में कहीं छुप सी जाती है। वो जिसने अपना सारा जीवन इस घर को सँवारा सजाया, अपने बच्चों को दिया संस्कार और प्रेम भरा साया, पूरा समय जो था उसका - अपने बच्चों की परवरिश में लगाया - आज बेटे के हृदय में बहू के लिए स्वयं से अधिक स्थान बनाया।  सोचती है वो कि मेरे लिए भी सारी स्थिति बदल सी गयी है, नई बहू किसी अन्य वातावरण में पाली गयी है।  मेरी गृहस्थी से उसकी अभी पहचान ही नहीं है, तालमेल बिठाने की जिम्मेदारी मुझे ही तो दी गयी है।  कितना भारी है यह पद सास का,  एक दोधारी तलवार के एहसास का!  बेटे से छूटते साथ का,  बहू को समझने के प्रयास का।  समाज ने भी तो बदनाम कर दिया यह नाता,  "न जाने वो क्या सोचेगी", सोच कर दिल ठिठक जाता।  बेटे को तो जानती है पर, बहू का मन कोई कैसे पढ़ पाता?  "दूर रहूँ या पास आऊँ", इसी उधेड़बुन में मन उलझता जाता।  यदि सास माँ नहीं बन सकी तो क्या बहू बेटी बनी?...

रावण दहन / आत्म चिन्तन

विजय दशमी का पर्व है, वर्षों से हम कर रहे हैं रावण दहन परन्तु क्या हम करना भूल गये हैं तनिक भी आत्म-चिन्तन? कैसे स्वीकारा कि मात्र अवगुणों का भण्डार था वो ज्ञानी ब्राह्मण? या जलाते जलाते हम करना भूल गये उसके सद्गुणों का स्मरण! अखण्ड भक्ति थी उसकी अपने आराध्य शिव शम्भू पर  पाया वर उसने कि होगा वो शिवभक्त अनूठा समस्त भू पर!  तो फिर था उसमें साहस, धैर्य व श्रद्धा कि कर सके वो तप,  किन्तु जब आया राम का समय तो फिर कहाँ भटक गया वो भक्त? संगीतज्ञ व कवि था वो - संस्कृत का महाज्ञानी! कितने ही वाद्य व काव्य रच डाले, कहाँ मिलेगा उसका सानी।  तो संवेदनशीलता का तो न होगा अभाव जब लिखी उसने कोई कविता।  फिर कैसे पाया दुःसाहस जो हर ली उसने निर्मल, निश्छल, सती सीता? प्रजा भी तो उसकी थी सम्पन्न - प्रसन्न, नहीं था वो कोई नृप अत्याचारी,  अपनी बहन के सम्मान के लिए लड़ पड़ा वो, उसकी बहन भी तो थी एक नारी!  फिर कमी क्या रह गयी उसकी कथनी में, उसकी करनी में - कि याद किया जाता है वो समय पर्यन्त पापियों, दुराचारियों की श्रेणी में! कुछ तो था स्वभाव से वह लाचार - अन्ततः र...

The Wheel of Time

Relentless, incessant, ever moving Changing, repetitive, hating and loving Never tiring, uncontrolled and independent Ever inspiring us to be in the present All seeing and all knowing - a divine deputy Punishing or rewarding us is its duty It does so through manipulating one's own mind Good or bad results, one's action do determine Wheel of time only asks us to do what is our duty And surrender all control and desire to the Divine Beauty

Don't Wait, Say it now!

  This world is a very strange place We are born alone, and we die alone. But we remain throughout our life in a race, To find good companions, if not many, at least one!   But while we are with those relations – Chosen by us or afforded through divine interventions. We disregard the temporariness of situations, And miss expressing our emotions or intentions.   I urge you to say your piece, offer that embrace! Never leave on an angry note any conversation. Every time is the right time and any place is the right place – To make things better and retreat from an altercation.   Even if you want to say farewell to a few, Fare them well with all your heart! Short or long duration, they afforded a view – In shaping of you, they too did their part!   Frankly, life is unpredictable. No one knows what is next! How many moments we have with our loved ones! Celebrate each moment – emote, call, just send a text! Make them feel ...

हिन्दी दिवस पर हिन्दी की प्रार्थना

क्या मात्र आज ही का दिवस है मेरे लिए, अन्य दिनों में क्या कोई स्थान नहीं है मेरा? समस्त वार्तालाप में करते हो उपयोग मिश्रित भाषा,  अभ्यास करो कि थोड़ा समय हो पूर्णतः मेरा!  मुझे नहीं आपत्ति अपनी बहनों के साथ खेलने में -  परन्तु एक अनूठा नाता है, जो है मात्र तेरा - मेरा।  दिवस मनाना तो सरल है - लेख, पुस्तकें, वचन अनन्त!  किन्तु क्या मनन करते हो कि "कितना समय बीता इन पर मेरा?"  इतिहास तो था स्वर्णिम किन्तु वर्तमान में है किंचित भय,  और भविष्य के विचार से घबरा जाता है अन्तर्मन मेरा!  हे मेरे प्रिय देशवासियों! द्वितीय नहीं प्रथम स्थान दो मुझे!  अधिक न सही, थोड़ा सा सम्मान दो मुझे!  प्रतिदिन व्यतीत करो कुछ क्षण मेरे साथ,  एक दिवस का नहीं अपितु ह्दय में रहूँ तुम्हारे, ये वरदान दो मुझे! 


Am I being crazy when I see figures forming in the clouds Am I being crazy when I see possibility through doubts Am I being crazy when I say it will all work out finally Am I being crazy when I think every mistake is my ally Am I being crazy when I choose to see hope in despair Am I being crazy when I believe bad and good comes in pair Am I being crazy when I trust others so easily Am I being crazy to think I can pass through life breezily Am I being crazy to believe that dreams have power Am I being crazy to wonder if each bud will become a flower Am I being crazy to have the faith in the powers up above Am I being crazy to not always think logically but feel through love Am I being crazy to hold my faith steady and strong  Am I being crazy to feel that nothing could go wrong Those who say I am crazy are bitten by the reality bug My "state of eternal hopefulness", they prefer to sweep under the rug Oh God! let me be crazy and enjoy my optimistic euphoria -  At le...

for my nana's 70th birthday

On your 70th birthday Sending you butterflies in a jar Our shining light with a golden heart- To my nana who is now a star Wishing that light finds you  wherever you are As you brought a smile to us:  Whether near or far

Happy birthday Tripti

Having a little sister is actually a very sweet deal You get a friend but also a doll, one that is real From the first time you said "didi", I was sold To the love in your eyes, so unabashed and bold Don't remember what I was before I was your sister But with you in surroundings life was a definite twister Even when I got scolded for things you did or said I got angry at you that time but couldn't stay mad You filled my heart with joy and infinite love And a sense of responsibility, like a letter carrying dove But I won't wish for anything at all to change  Except that our bond stays strong through times known and strange  On your birthday, I wish you but I wish me too That all good things come your way, old and new

Choice & Effort

How does one become so distant when so near,  We live in the same space, yet space is what I fear I think our is love is on a suicide mission All the cheer and happiness seem to be on unscheduled vacation Why is it that you feel burdened for ever long Why is it that I feel that I am always wrong I realize that is for my sake that you get angry but knowing that I am the cause saddens me, Oh what a quandary! I do not know how to break this vicious, downward spiral Seems like our togetherness is constantly on a trial What has brought about this change, I am still trying to find What are those things our happiness is hiding behind? Can't you see, don't you feel it too? Isn't there something that we must try to do? Or shall we resign ourselves to go on being the way we are... And wonder how others have got it right and for us, the goal remains far! Is there a need to assign responsibility for everything or to throw blame Aren't we old enough to not indulge in such a stupid g...

Life Lessons

Circular Lessons of Life The circular path of life lessons, Comes in a variety of shades.  Some alone, others in combination A doorway to heaven or to the kingdom of Hades One keeps running into similar episodes Till the learning is absorbed within The lesson comes to us in multiple modes There seems to be no escaping it In case one has had the audacity to forget  Life will come up with a revision of sort A new and longer lasting lesson is all set For one to repeat and on retest, not come up short All that life asks us to do is to learn well When a similar situation turns up later on Find a new way to be and break the spell Of past mistakes & choose a different path to move on The heaven and hell is experienced here and now One feels both as they go about their life on earth Trying to learn what we must, and overcome  somehow Our discrepancies theses lessons attempt to unearth

Celebrate Life

Celebrate Life Each Moment     Picture Courtesy: Siddhartha Chaturvedi When intense black and brilliant white collide… …Colors are born When stern silence is broken by sweet sound… …Music is born When a sliver of sunshine peeps out from murky clouds...  ...Light is born When bountiful rain hits the parched earth… …Life is born.  When brilliant light dispels the dismal darkness… …Hope is born When empowering hope clears out the debilitating doubt… …Courage is born When electrifying energy hits at restful rest… …Motion is born When magical motion activates the somber stillness… …Life is born When the crying of a baby brings out the tears in the parents’ eyes... ...Joy is born When stubborn effort overcomes obstinate obstacles… …Achievement is born When simplicity presents itself in a new form… …Amazement is born When pure positivity turns down the power of nefarious negativity… …Life is born

The outline

If there was no darkness, what use would be for light? What good would a day do if there was no night? How would one know happiness when no one gets sad?  What value does good hold if there is no bad? How would hope cheer up a soul when it hasn't felt any despair? Can one really feel alive if there was no death to fear? How can one taste success when she never took a bite of failure?  Will the freedom be as dear to us if there was no censure?  If there was no boredom then what use would there be for fun?  Would the chance be as sweet if no one ever had to wait for their turn?  The negatives are nothing but an outline to our positives.  Together they balance each other out to enrich our lives! 

the labyrinth

The thoughts keep roaming in and around the labyrinth, The ideas fighting with each other for their birth. Squirming, wriggling, slipping over each other With only one winning their top spot over another But the boundaries are firmly set by the walls of labyrinth Expansion of these alone shall give a strong plinth To all the thoughts within to develop further Expand these through learning about experiences of others Reading, listening and observing are those ways That shall enrich our labyrinth for the rest of the days As we roam the world through the others' eyes We gain terrific insights and become very wise

Rainbow is my very own

The Rainbow Within I love rainbows, after the whole earth is washed down by rain and is smelling beautifully rich and fertile, Out comes the sun and the light peeps out in its colorful splendor stretched across mile after mile! From the ever-tenacious water droplet, hanging onto its portion of air, not wanting to let go…   It is my very own rainbow, no one else gets to see it quite like me, did you know that? Because in interpreting this wondrous gift of nature, our eyes need to play their own part. That is why I believe that each rainbow in its perception: is both uniquely me and uniquely you!   How does looking at the rainbow bring forth a smile, even if it is slight? It portends a sense of hope that even after each stormy night, there will again be light; And the path ahead shall start appearing clear for you to know what to do.   I t is not the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow which is a real treasure! It is but the journey of effort tha...

My Retreat

My Floral Retreat   photo credit Bing Whenever I get time, I just want to be among flowers -They offer a cocoon of sweet, scented beautiful showers. As I enter, leaving behind the worries of each day,  I get ready to face whatever the morning brings my way! This retreat is tiny, only to replenish my depleted energy, And have my faith renewed, that the universe is all about synergy.  It's just a matter of perspective to find that alignment, without our knowing, all our possible paths are already in arrangement!  While the Cosmos waits for us to make our choice, All that the Divine energy wants us, is to be content and just rejoice. From among so many possible options, it is tricky to see, Which path will ultimately lead to the dissolution in divine of the single "me" The guidance is delivered in many forms, - dreams, sounds or signs. But we must be prepared to interpret the message in and between the lines Incorrect guidance or hurried action may t...

dear daddy

Dear daddy, how shall I describe you? Shall I call you the sun?  But you are way too cool, way more fun! Shall I call you the moon?  But you don't change as much and are around even in noon! So, shall I call you my star?  But I always find you around me and never so far! Then shall I call you the sea?  Y ou have a large heart but you are sweet as pea! Maybe I can call you the ground?  Oh! But you aren't so hard, even when being solid and sound! Hmm, shall I then call you the air?  Very important but not to be seen ever, not fair!   No, I can't find any one thing alone to describe you  You do so much for me and are my best friend too Can one word ever explain what you mean to me?  You are a mix of the best of sun, moon, star, ground, air and sea!  Dear daddy, I think that's how I shall describe you!

The Connections

The Connections Life is a continuous chain of one or another event Some we desire and some we wish to prevent Some come about by way of some divine interventions And so our life evolves as a series of interesting connections Some are sweet, some are torturous in their impact, With some we can be frank while with others we must use tact. Some allow us to be playful like a child and be silly, And with some we are sort of adult and must assume responsibility Some of the people are there to make us feel used But in our hurtful state we leave those lessons unused And in this journey there are those too, whom we hurt Through our actions or the words we unthinkingly blurt It is a simple give and take, a little hurt, some sadness Insights or outlooks, few laughs or moments of madness Its up to us to make what we want to make of these interactions Each experience brings richness, us to them, they to us, all the connections


Wisdom exists, it just is, always has been To be felt or heard maybe sometimes seen.  Been around forever to guide and show us the way, But only if we want to hear what it has to say!  Or else it lets us go and make our own mistakes,  And learn the lessons meant for us the hard way It is not only the current sensibilities assimilated,  But also the collective knowledge accumulated: Through generations past, and geographies apart, Sometime understood instantly or maybe in part. Those who learn from others are indeed smart, But for others it hits them a bit like sharp dart! Pinching and uncomfortably stinging, hurting a lot! Hence wisdom's appeal is to take a bit from the pot. Utilize what's available in the wise world with courage, And allow the bank of wisdom prevent possible damage. Through signs and synchronicity, or maybe a friendly message, Wisdom tries to find ways to send cues to us, familiar or strange.

Journey that Matters

The countdown to our death, Starts on the very day we are born. As we draw our first breath The fabric of our lives starts getting torn So many unexpected cuts and nicks, How shall we save it, is the main question Life is a bag of challenges and neat tricks We must clear each level with or without learning any lesson Some of us realize this early and some a little late That on its journey, we are just a carrier for the soul Each time its born, it is born with a clean slate We don't know it but the soul has but one goal The soul requires us to remain focused on performing action The actions that will help it reach its ultimate destination Not wondering about the results while we act, not even a tiny fraction But surrendering them to the Divine, actions become our path to salvation When we surrender our action to the Supreme Power That is when we truly unite with the Universal Mandate And so when we think of any wish, for anything, at any hour The whole Universe comes to...

my madhuban

My "मधुबन" the sweet garden , where everything grows with abandon.  No worry of destruction, only  beauty, colours and creation.  The entry is reserved only for those, who leave behind all doubts and tension, Fear has no place in this space so be free, to you, my madhuban is offering a kind seclusion.  All those who spread loving kindness, madhuban is cultivated within you with compassion.  To the others, it's not so hard to find your own, it's just a matter of having true intention. Madhuban is our sweet safe place, where we are never afraid of rejection.  Come let's celebrate and cultivate it, this sweet, soothing garden, my madhuban

everything is within

मोको कहाँ ढूँढे रे बन्दे मैं तो तेरे पास में, ना मैं मंदिर ना मैं मस्जिद ना काबे कैलाश में – Kabirdas Where do you look for me dear, Know that I am somewhere near. I neither reside in mosque nor in a temple, Be it Mecca or Kashi,   nowhere do I settl e- translated from above All systems are interconnected with each other, while being complete at individual state, each of the systems influence and get influenced by other systems. This is very true for every natural systems at least, including human, animal, plants or cosmic. The belief is that each of us is a microcosm of the supreme power, the Brahma, within us and all of us are carriers of this power, while we exist in the the Brahmanic consciousness Just as children carry the genetic material from the parents within them, and remain connected to their parents and siblings through that thread, we remain connected at our core level with the Universal consciousness. Whatever action we take in our space, have an impact a...

the garden (pro-Creation)

A beautiful garden awaits, it's retinue of guests For who the flowers have prepared, a nectar rich fantastic spread The leaves worked hard to marry sun and earth,  built the plants strong enough to give birth To the brightest flowers possible, to ensure our guests have best selection available So that our wide variety of visitors feel enraptured, by the beauty of nature so simply captured In this capsule of time and space , while they take our seeds to create another such place And thus my dears carry on the cycles of nature, building on each other's strengths to provide such treasure


आज शाम फिर कुछ घबराहट सी छाई है लगता है दबे पाँव फिर आई तन्हाई है  यूँ तो दुनिया के हर कोने में हैं अपने दोस्त  पर इस अकेलेपन में  एक अनोखी सी गहराई है  जब चाहो किसी से बात करना, तो सब मसरूफ होते हैं  पास होकर भी कुछ लोग कितने दूर होते हैं  दिल चाहे उनसे ही बातें करें, जो हमें खुशी दें, मुहब्बत दें  पर कौन मिलेगा ऐसा हर समय, लोग अपनी  ही तकलीफ़ों में मशगूल होते हैं अरे! खुशी और मुहब्बत औरों में ढूँढते हैं, कैसी नासमझी है? अपने घर की आग गैरों पर पानी डालने से क्या कभी बुझी है? जो नहीं कर पाओ खुद से प्यार और आप अपनी हौसलाअफजाई  तो उनको अपने बाहर ढूँढना मेरे दोस्त, ये कैसी बात बेतुकी है खु़द में ही है ख़ुदा, समझने वाली बात इतनी ही है  जिम्मेदारी खिदमत की सबसे पहले अपनी ओर की ही ठनी है बाँटों मुहब्बत दुनिया भर में, पर पहले करो मज़बूत खु़द को  कमज़ोर बुनियादों  पर क्या कभी देखी कोई इमारत तनी है?  आप करो खुद ही से दोस्ती, समझो पहले अपने आप को ही दुनिया के सहारे रहोगे तो ढूँढते रहोगे औरों में  ही अपनी खुशी  करो यकी़न आई...

Being present / fickle mind

I wonder at the fickleness of our minds so difficult to rest on any one thing, it gets dazzled by things of different kinds chasing each thought, enamored by all the bling No wonder we feel so tired all the time there is a continuous cacophony of distractions each racing to win our attention every time while we grapple with increased choice of attractions We are surrounded by distractions all day something is always ready to grab our attention a sound, a vision, some connection every which way don't leave any room for the "Self", or an act of introspection Resting the mind, this process is never complete even at rest there is too much noise how does one ever feel fully rested or replete challenging as it is in the middle of so much chaotic choice Never we are fully present in the present tense always the body and mind are at a distance past or future - mind struggles to choose between either tents forgetting to give the "NOW" a decent, passi...

take me home

Under the shade of these vines, looking at my hands and their lines;  wondering how time goes by, learning, doing and just getting by.  How much these hand do, what all are the trees witness to,  cooking, cleaning, studying and thinking, all my dear ones away, I am  by myself - sinking,  each day in this lockdown, and the vines frown upon,  on the glorious days I don't see, as my hands grope for the "take me home" key...

The Moon

Full moon night, what a sight.  Fills me with glorious wonder, hearing a call from dreams of yonder.  May you forever guide my way, making my deepest heart have it's say.  oh you have been a friend, from childhood till the end.  So many mysteries hidden in you, even now I remain without a clue.  Waxing and waning you epitomize change, inspiring us to go beyond our own limited range.  As long as I see you in the sky, I keep the courage to try, try and try!! 

What to Do!!

When you are sad and low, I know not what to do. But to hold you in my arms Is all that I want to do... It doesn't surprise me that You don't accept this action. But it hurts deep down To face this kind of rejection... That's why when you are sad I turn my back to you. Because I don't know what you want I don't know what to do... Written on 15th July, 1998


When friends and foe are alike And there seems to be no companion in your life! One thing which makes you hang on! Even when everything else comes crashing down Only dreams are there for you to carry on, These dreams are yours, they won't let you down. Hang on to your dreams 'cause they are your best friends They can turn you into a pioneer by changing the old trends. In the midst of mishaps when you have a broken heart, These dreams give you hope so you won't fall apart They will always try to help you find a way Fulfilling them will give you satisfaction and make you gay The thing that completely belongs to you Are your dreams and aspirations Nobody can take them away from you They are your own visualizations Work hard to achieve your goal Be willing to burn like coal inside the earth So that you may turn into a dazzling diamond And the whole world witnesses your true worth!!